
Friday, May 11, 2012


This is how bad Ganoderma is! It's a young tree of 4 years old, the stem has decayed due to the fungal activities. When we see this Lingzi or fungus, the tree is deemed to be Dead.

"Ganoderma" is NOT Curable but Treatable & Preventable!
                                            Ganoderma Fruiting Bodies

It's a sad sight to see in the oil palm estate - fallen trees!

Bio Anti Ganoderma

Oil Palm Trees have a fungi disease called BSR or Basal Stem Rot which is affecting Oil Production. As the tree is being attacked by Ganoderma (BSR) fruiting stops and if there are still fruits, it will be low in oil contain.
Much research have been done in order to contain or suppress the spread of this deadly disease affecting this very important cash crop.

We, being one of the formost Green Company is introducing a Control for Ganoderma. "Trichoderma Hamatum spp." is recognised as the strongest Bio Fungicide to arrest BSR Diesease in most crops especially Oil Palm Trees, Paddy, Citrus, Dragon Fruit, infact most Crops.