
Friday, May 11, 2012

Bio Anti Ganoderma

Oil Palm Trees have a fungi disease called BSR or Basal Stem Rot which is affecting Oil Production. As the tree is being attacked by Ganoderma (BSR) fruiting stops and if there are still fruits, it will be low in oil contain.
Much research have been done in order to contain or suppress the spread of this deadly disease affecting this very important cash crop.

We, being one of the formost Green Company is introducing a Control for Ganoderma. "Trichoderma Hamatum spp." is recognised as the strongest Bio Fungicide to arrest BSR Diesease in most crops especially Oil Palm Trees, Paddy, Citrus, Dragon Fruit, infact most Crops.


  1. I am study about this topic and do the whole genome annotating of ganoderma sp pathogen, i can see the potential of this Trichoderma by study the target for inhibit base on the genetic approach in this case, other formula are need to make the make the product are more effective. tq

  2. Hi Thanks for dropping by! Wish to hear more from you and your experience with trichoderma spp.

  3. Ganoderma BSR is really a headache for palm oil planters..can you perhaps share more on any trial done on infected palm oil with BSR with the trichoderma? and perhaps the costing the planters would expect to apply this?
